sábado, 2 de agosto de 2014

Prompt: I am surprised by

Prompt n°1: I am surprised by...

I am surprised by my staying up so late today... It's 3:13 am right now, and I hadn't stayed up this late for like... The past three years? I remember I enjoyed staying up late, and I didn't do it anymore... I will go on doing it :)

I am surprised by liking Björk and her album Biophilia, I thought I wouldn't but it's actually really nice and kind of speaking to me.

I am surprised, day by day, by how much I love picho.

Prompt n° 2: Google Image search. Choose a word and search for it in Google Images. Pick an image that inspires you and write.
Hmmm maybe later, now I'm way too tired, I'll go to sleep, bye!! :)

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