sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2012

For sale

En uno de los blogs que sigo, "The one minute writer", tiraron un post muy lindo que daba una idea para empezar un mini escrito. Tienen un concurso cada viernes de escribir una mini ficción, y esta vez participé =) El link para el blog es este: http://oneminutewriter.blogspot.com.ar/

Esto es lo que decía el blog, y abajo, dejo la pequeña ficción que inspiró =) 
"You're walking home from the train station one day and suddenly come upon a beautiful old home tucked away between the other buildings. Funny, you've never noticed a house there before. Then you notice the FOR SALE sign. Hey - you've been looking for a place closer to work anyway. You decide to buy the mysterious house. What happens? What's inside? Where did it come from?"

I was waiting for the real estate guy, and he came, very nervous. At first I thought that he was nervous about the house. Maybe nobody wanted to buy it, so he was nervous I shouldn’t want to buy it either; maybe he didn’t like the neighborhood… I thought it a very nice place, very safe… But, no, something else was troubling him, and I was soon to learn what.

We entered the house and I got to see it was no long uninhabited, because there was not much dust to be seen, the house looked quite clean. Everything I saw I liked, so coming to a deal on everything was easy. I enquired upon the history of the house, but the salesman only told me it had belonged to an old lady who had just passed away and had left it as an inheritance to her grandchildren, who were selling it to divide the money. I asked if it was not unsentimental to do that, given that probably those grandchildren had lived and enjoyed very good moments. The salesman shrugged and started for the door, telling me that a week from then all the paperwork would be done, and I could go and pick up the keys.

I stopped him there, and said that obviously something was wrong, and I was not leaving until he told me what it was that I had to know about my new home. He sighed, sat down on the tiled floor, and commenced a little narration.

He told me he had lived, as a child, on this street, exactly in front of the house I had just bought. This man, who looked not older than thirty years old, said that he would always look through his windows to this house, the nicest of the block those days, and see a little girl, of about his age. He described the girl as if she were an angel, and said she had been his playmate back then. Her name was Sarah. Before sighing and falling into silence, he said he had never seen her since.

Evidently, my salesman still had feelings, deep feelings, for this girl Sarah. I asked about the reason for this, for her having disappeared, but he didn’t know it. He only knew that once, when they were ten, she had kissed his cheek after a day of playing in her park, and the next day she came (for she came once or twice a week to this, her grandma’s house) she didn’t come out to play whit him, and never again had he seen her, until…

One month ago, a man about five or six years older than him came to his office offering to buy this house, and telling him the same story he had told me about the grandchildren wanting to sell it. When this man signed, he saw he had the same surname as Sarah had…

My salesman couldn’t continue, his eyes filling with tears, so I told him we would come to the end of the question and find this angel-playmate of his again.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012


Enseñar, enseñar... ¿Cómo hacerlo bien? Mis alumnos se deben divertir y a la vez deben aprender... Es un límite muy difícil de conseguir D :

Tengo miedo : (

domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

There's a guy...

There's a guy sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper...
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He puts the newspaper down and looks around. He tries to see what surrounds him, but he is not able to. Something is preventing his view. He pays more attention to it, and discovers it is a person, passing with a small cart, selling flowers. Once this person passes, he tries to see again.

In this park he finds people playing, sunbathing, eating... They are all having fun. There is a boy playing with a dog, throwing a frisbee that the dog catches and brings to him to throw again. Also, there are thre kids running about. Their mother calls to them because lunch is ready; they are having sandwiches. A  young couple is some metres to their right, and they are, it looks, on their first date: they look timid and nervous, but nontheless happy.

Where are these people? They are at a park. The man sees the park. He realises everything is covered in grass, and there are trees everywhere. Some hills are there, too. As it is midday, the sun is shinning in splendour, softly caressing the hills and everything on the park, making it feel its warmth. There are no clouds to be seen today, and a sweet breeze gently brushes against the leaves of the trees. They look very green, making the trees be blooming with life. There are some birds flying around, and some pecking on the bread crumbs two girls are throwing them. Also, there is a humming bird feeding from a bed of flowers nearby. As the breeze passes through it, towards our guy, he feels the soft cool and he smells those flowers. They are very sweetly scented.

He takes out a sandwich he has brought with him and tries a bit. The flavour is just perfect. It has everything a sandwich wants: some ham, some cheese, one or two slices of tomato, fresh bread and just the right amount of mayonnaise. Simple, but his favourite meal in the whole world.

He looks at the cart the man is carrying, full of recently cut flowers, ready to be sold. It is a wooden cart, easy to carry, and the man looks fresh. He is evidently offering flowers to the people at the park, and he approaches the young couple. The young man buys a small bouquet for the girl, and she looks really pleased and kisses him. Then, the salesman turns towards our guy, and speaks to him.

Our guy, with a very calm face, looks at him but doesn't say a  word. He can't hear him, but he knows good things are about to come true.

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012


Intentaré hablar sobre un tema que me trae preocupada.
Mi grupo de amigos.
Es una cagada el hecho de que se esté separando y nada pueda hacerse al respecto.

Mi grupo de amigos empezó formado por seis personas, tres chicas y tres chicos, y nos llevábamos muy bien. Poco a poco fue sumándose gente, y luego fuimos diez. Debo de admitir que no me gustó nada el hecho de que se sume gente, porque soy muy tradicionalista, y no me adapto fácil a los cambios. Pero rápidamente me empezó a agradar la nueva gente, conforme los fui conociendo, y los agregué a mi lista de amigos.
Luego fueron más y más y más, hasta que el grupo de Facebook que engloba a la gente con la que me junto incluye a más de veinte personas. El grupo en total será de aproximadamente... No sé, ¿treinta? ¿Más? Cosa que ya me fui adaptando a la aparición de gente nueva... Aprendí que la mayoría de los que entran velozmente se van a ir; aprendí que es interesante charlar y aprender cosas de los que van entrando; y aprendí que hay muchos que es mejor que no estén, o que se van a ir y no debo llorar por eso, sino que es para mejor, o es intrascendente.

En semejante grupo de personas, era obvio que iba a haber subgrupos, o gente que se junte más con algunos que con otros. Pero eso no significa que esa gente se lleve mal entre sí. Bueno, parece que en mi grupo de amigos sí es así.
No sé si es una cuestión de la edad o qué, pero hay dos líderes femeninas y atrás van los varones, y las otras chicas eligen. Sin embargo, hay "pica" muy evidente entre los grupos, y somos todos falsos e hipócritas con los demás, por lo menos en una pequeña medida.

La verdad, me parece que hay demasiada agresión. Iba a escribir "innecesaria" pero la agresión nunca es necesaria, así que lo retiro = P
Prosigo: quizá uno tenga más afinidad con unos que con otros, pero por favor, ¡no nos tratemos mal! No hay necesidad de eso, y mucho menos si nos gusta nuestra compañía. Y si no nos gusta, no hagamos perder el tiempo al otro ni perdamos energías, sólo alejémonos de él y listo.
Quizá de este modo algunos dejen de verse o de tener espacios en común, pero seguro nos sintamos mucho mejor.